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Access Help
When you’re living with dental anxiety, or supporting someone who is, having access to the right information on treatment options is vital. Choose one of the options below to find out more.

General Anaesthesia
General anaesthetic (or GA for short) is what most people commonly refer to as “going under” or being “put to sleep”. And it’s really reserved for the most complex procedures, or where dental phobia is so where there might be impacted wisdom teeth and quite extensive surgical aspects to treatment.

Oral Sedation
Oral sedation relates to the way in which the medication is consumed through the mouth. IHere in the UK it’s most commonly pill form and the medication that’s most prescribed is Diazepam. The benefits of oral sedation The main plus point is that it’s extremely easy to administer because you’re

Inhalation Sedation for Children
Inhalation Sedation has been around for over 150 years in dentistry so it’s well understood, well researched and very safe. It can be called a number of different things like happy gas, twilight gas, laughing gas. These are all names to describe the same thing: a combination of nitrous oxide

Inhalation Sedation for Adults
If you’re needle phobic, inhalation sedation or gas and air can be a really great option to undertake dental treatment as an adult. What is inhalation sedation firstly? So a lot of people will be aware of gas and air or nitrous oxide, and it’s in widespread use across mainstream

IV Sedation
IV sedation is one of the most powerful ways to overcome dental anxiety and phobia. It involves inserting a powerful sedative medicine directly into your bloodstream, often with a cannula. It’s commonly referred to as conscious sedation within dental practice. While under IV sedation, you will feel extremely sleepy, as

